Thursday, 1 April 2010

Not much left

Finally, after a lot of faffing around with the Great Demon WORK I have managed to finish the other two Sassy LC units. In reality they would have been finished a lot sooner if I had remembered that I had not painted a standard bearer for the first unit so I had to hold the basing until that particular chap was done. So what is left, you ask? Well not much now. I have a unit of 12 LI javelin types half done and then it's just the other unit of levy  and that's all folks...until after Triples of course. For the Byz it's a bit different. I have a unit of 30 Skoutati to paint and that's it for them. Again, the rest are coming from Triples. Eventually I will have about 15 units a side. (Currently I have 6 Sass and 1 Byz unit painted). Next day off is Sunday so I'm hoping it will be a little brighter than of late so I can get some piccys done -including the casualty markers.

Keep yer bristles damp


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