Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Full of anticipation -just like a runtling at Crimble

Looking forward to Triples this weekend -never been before. Nearly went back in the 70's when I was actually working in Sheffield but traveled all the way back to north Essex for a Sealed Knot muster instead. Should be a good do if the tinterweb spiel is anything to go by.

Nearly finished the Sassanid LI; after that the first ten of the Byzantine Skutoutai are primed and raring to go.

Already put in my order for the rest of the Sassy's and the Byz; picking them up at the show. Still unsure about what to do next but having some really worrying radical ideas at the mo. Might get temporarily sidetracked, don't know for sure. Watch this space for further updates.

  Also I want to see what period buildings are out there in the market place. I will be checking them out and thinking as to whether I can make my own. Might have a problem with the domes on the mosques though, so I could buy a few of them just for variety. I have some ideas about conurbation which I shall share at a later date, all being well. 

Second 7 of the Hunnic Mongols are almost finished.

I'll give you my reflections on the show as well, hopefully along with some piccys.

Don't let your paint dry on the brushes,


Thursday, 1 April 2010

Not much left

Finally, after a lot of faffing around with the Great Demon WORK I have managed to finish the other two Sassy LC units. In reality they would have been finished a lot sooner if I had remembered that I had not painted a standard bearer for the first unit so I had to hold the basing until that particular chap was done. So what is left, you ask? Well not much now. I have a unit of 12 LI javelin types half done and then it's just the other unit of levy  and that's all folks...until after Triples of course. For the Byz it's a bit different. I have a unit of 30 Skoutati to paint and that's it for them. Again, the rest are coming from Triples. Eventually I will have about 15 units a side. (Currently I have 6 Sass and 1 Byz unit painted). Next day off is Sunday so I'm hoping it will be a little brighter than of late so I can get some piccys done -including the casualty markers.

Keep yer bristles damp
